Top 60 Best Quotes Of Sadhguru on Life, Success, Happiness, love, etc

Looking for the best quotes of sadhguru? There are thousands of quotes that you can find on the internet, but what you need is the best quotes of sadhguru.

Sadhguru’s quotes and sayings are sure to uplift your life and help you overcome the various challenges you may be facing in life.

Sadhguru, who is described by other sadhus as a mystic with the body of a swan, is recognized by the sadhguru as a teacher who possesses the wisdom of the sadhguru, the master yogi.

Founder of the Isha Foundation, Sadhguru’s philosophy helps the aspiring sadhguru master to understand the true meaning of life. The sadhguru’s main teaching is the yoga philosophy that relates us to the divine energy that permeates all life.

Sadhguru’s quotes have helped millions to reach the highest levels of spiritual life. His quotes are sure to help you achieve great success in your life.

Many people have been inspired by sadhguru’s quotes and sayings and use them as a daily mantra. Many organizations use these quotes to motivate their workers and volunteers.

Best Quotes from sadhguru

1. There are no words for what mountains can do to a person. Everyone should have some kind of a romance with a mountain – a mountain that challenges you, draws you, makes you submissive by its sheer size, strength, and presence.

2. If we want to establish human rights across the planet, we need to start thinking beyond national boundaries. Everyone should have the same rights and face the same justice system.

3. This human mechanism is the most complex chemical factory on the planet. The question is only whether you are a wonderful CEO or a lousy one.

Best quotes of sadhguru - This human mechanism is the most complex chemical factory on the planet. The question is only whether you are a wonderful CEO or a lousy one.

4. Meditation means to know and experience life beyond the physical sphere; not on the surface but at the source.

5. A truly intelligent mind is neither influenced by memory nor deluded by imagination. 

6. If you have a Global identity, your intellect will function for everyone’s wellbeing. You will not act out of individual ambition but out of a larger vision for everything.

7. The fear is simply because you are not living with life, You are living in your mind.

8. Learning to listen is the essence of intelligent living.

9. Responsibility simply means your ability to respond.

10. The sign of intelligence is that you are constantly wondering. Idiots are always dead sure about every damn thing they are doing in their life.

11. If you resist change, you resist life.

If you resist change, you resist life.

Best Sadhguru Quotes On Success

12. Confidence is no substitute for clarity. To be successful, you need clarity, not confidence.

13. Every situation is an opportunity. Either you harvest wellbeing, or suffering.

14. Especially when we face hard times, it is all the more important that we remain balanced and focused on what matters to us.

Especially when we face hard times, it is all the more important that we remain balanced and focused on what matters to us. - sadhguru quotes

15. The more you try to be special, the more you get hurt. Just be, just melt and become part of the wind around you, the earth around you, become a part of everything. You’re here only for a while. At least when you’re in a place like this, where nobody is going to trample on you, let your defenses down.

16. You’re successful when you have certain clarity about what needs to happen. It does not come from reading books. You must be able to look at situations and see where the situation would evolve within the next moment or the next day or the next year or the next decade.

17. If you act to the best of your ability and intelligence, every day will be an explosion of possibilities.

If you act to the best of your ability and intelligence, every day will be an explosion of possibilities.

Best Quotes Of Sadhguru on life

18. We have to become sensitive to life – not to our thoughts, emotions, egos, ideologies, or belief systems. Because life is the highest value.

19. If you look at life just the way it is, you shall be overwhelmed by its sheer magnitude.

20. The secret of life is to see everything with a non-serious eye, but to be absolutely involved. Like a sport.

21. Only if you see, ‘I do not know,’ the possibility of knowing will become a living reality in your life.

Only if you see, ‘I do not know,’ the possibility of knowing will become a living reality in your life.

22. Adventure is not in a particular activity. It is a way to approach life. Every step can be an adventure.

23. Life is not in our activity, not in our possessions, and not in what we touch, taste, see, or smell. You are Life – the rest are just ingredients.

24. If you are looking at life as a possibility, you will see possibilities everywhere. If you are looking at life as a problem, you will see problems everywhere.

If you are looking at life as a possibility, you will see possibilities everywhere. If you are looking at life as a problem, you will see problems everywhere. - best quotes of sadhguru

Sadhguru Quotes On Love and Relationship

25. Love is not a transaction but a burning flame within you. When it burns the core of who you are, it is liberating.

26. When you open your heart to give, the grace of the Divine invariably seeps into it.

27. Having expectations of others means you are trying to fix their lives. Fix your own life – that is freedom. 

Having expectations of others means you are trying to fix their lives. Fix your own life – that is freedom. 

28. If someone loves you because you are theirs, it is about you being their property. If someone loves you for who you are, you are fortunate.

29. How beautifully you can relate to someone simply depends on your willingness, flexibility, and joyfulness.

30. Whether you have anger, hatred, jealousy, or resentment against someone, essentially, it only works against you.

31. What most people call love today is little more than a mutual benefit scheme. Love is an unconditional sweetness of emotion.

32. If you are a sensible human being, you will naturally be loving and inclusive.

If you are a sensible human being, you will naturally be loving and inclusive.

Sadhguru Quotes On Happiness

33. Whether it is happiness or unhappiness, pain or pleasure, agony or ecstasy, essentially it happens from within.

34. Your life is a limited amount of time. Only miserable people think it is long. If you are joyful and well, even if you live for a hundred years, it is too little.

35. If we do not take care of a few fundamentals of environmental sustainability, the price we pay will be very unfortunate.

36. The most important thing today is to make human beings rise to a sense of inclusiveness beyond gender, race, religion, and nationhood.

37. If every day of your life, no matter what the nature of your work or the situation, you can remain playful and exuberant, it is a sign of Freedom within.

Best Quotes Of Sadhguru On Students

38. We must stop influencing our children and start supporting them by creating a loving, joyful, and intelligent atmosphere.

39. That is the nature of life; children have their own things to do. You just have to keep one eye open to see that they don’t end up doing wrong things for themselves. They don’t have to do everything with you.

40. Youth is a time of tremendous energy. You should look at the possibilities, not the problems.

sadhguru best quote - Youth is a time of tremendous energy. You should look at the possibilities, not the problems.

Sadhguru thoughts On Spirituality and Environment

50. Spirituality is not a disability. It is a tremendous empowerment. Unfortunately, in recent times people are peddling incompetence as being spiritual. If you dress badly, if you live badly, and eat badly, you are supposed to be spiritual. This has to change.

51. If you look at your thoughts in the context of the whole cosmos, they do not mean anything. If you realize that, you will naturally create a distance from your thought process.

52. As human beings become more empowered, there is a fundamental need for us to become more conscious and responsible, rather than reactive and compulsive.

sadhguru spiritual quotes - As human beings become more empowered, there is a fundamental need for us to become more conscious and responsible, rather than reactive and compulsive.

53. If you want to enjoy stillness, you must be super alert. Deathlike stillness is of no value. When you become super alert but Still, possibilities open up.

54. Attention to the Creator’s creation is more important than the nonsense you make up in your head.

55. If human beings become conscious, the need for domination and conflict will dissolve. 

56. There is a boundless amount of energy in existence for those who are willing to open their doors.

There is a boundless amount of energy in existence for those who are willing to open their doors.

57. Spiritual process is about distancing yourself from your memory. Your memory should be a platform you stand upon to reach out for something higher, not a trap you sink into.

58. If we have any love for our children, we have to leave our soil and water in a better condition than they are now.

59. Everything you wish to know of existence can be known in a single moment if you are in contact with your inner nature.

quote of sadhguru - Everything you wish to know of existence can be known in a single moment if you are in contact with your inner nature.

60. Once you become aware that you are mortal, you will not be dead serious about anything but eager to live as intensely as possible.

On Death and Immortality

61. “If you handle your mortality consciously, it will become a doorway for you to a larger dimension of life.”

62. “Death is not a tragedy, but ignorance is.”

63. “Death is a cosmic joke. If you get the joke, when you fall on the other side, it will be wonderful.”

Sadhgur On Mind and Emotions

64. “Your mind and emotions are not yours; they are just on loan from the existence.”

65. “When you are no more identified with your physical form, a new level of perception opens up.”

66. “The quality of your life is determined by how well you manage your interiority, not your external situation.”

Sadhguru’s teachings on the mind and emotions encourage individuals to transcend limited identifications and cultivate a deeper understanding of their inner realms.

Sadhguru On Nature and the Environment

67. “You are not here to fix the world. The world is not broken. It is just changing.”

68. “The physical world is an interpretation of the larger, more subtle dimensions of creation.”

69. “Nature is not about the aesthetics of the planet; it is about the intelligence that is the basis of creation.”

Sadhguru On Health and Well-being

70. “Health is not just being disease-free. Health is when every cell in your body is bouncing with life.”

71. “Food is about the body. Water is about the life. Soil is about the life. If we don’t take care of them, we won’t have them.”

72. “The most fundamental and crucial aspect of human well-being is the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat.”

Sadhguru quotes On Fear and Courage

73. “You cannot transcend what you do not know. To go beyond yourself, you must know yourself.”

74. “Fear is simply because you are not living with life – you are living in your mind.”

75. “The sign of intelligence is that you are constantly wondering. Idiots are always dead sure about every damn thing they are doing in their life.”

Sadhguru thoughts On Meditation, Yoga and Inner Peace

76. “Meditation is not about concentration, it’s about a relaxed awareness.”

77. “Meditation is not something you do. It is something that you become.”

78. “Once you experience all life forms as a part of yourself, you cannot help but live for everyone.”

79. “Yoga is not about the shape of your body, but the shape of your life.”

80. “Yoga is not just about twisting and turning. It’s about existing in union with the rest of creation.”

In conclusion, Sadhguru’s wisdom encapsulated in these 60 Best Quotes Of Sadhguru provides a profound guide to living a purposeful, mindful, and joyful life.

His teachings traverse the realms of self-realization, relationships, success, and spirituality, offering a holistic approach to navigating the complexities of the human experience.

As we reflect on these nuggets of wisdom, let them serve as a source of inspiration and guidance on our individual journeys towards a more enlightened and fulfilling existence.

Hope you like these Top 60 Best Quotes Of Sadhguru on Life, Success, Happiness, love, etc

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